Privacy Policy This page is used to inform visitors regarding my policies with the collection, use, and disclosure of Personal Information if anyone decided to use my Service. If you choose to use my Service, then you agree to the collection and use of information in relation to this policy. The Personal Information that I collect is used for providing and improving the Service. I will not use or share your information with anyone except as described in this Privacy Policy. The terms used in this Privacy Policy have the same meanings as in our Terms and Conditions, which is accessible at Swing Manager and Swing Manager Pro unless otherwise defined in this Privacy Policy. Information Collection and Use For a better experience, while using our Service, I may require you to provide us with certain personally identifiable information, including but not limited to the data you stored. The information that I request will be retained on your device and is not collected by me in any...
[tonari] Nearby messaging without an internet connection, iPhone app
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Swing Manager für iPhone / iPad [Deutsch]
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German available from version 1.0.2 Swing Manager für iPhone/iPad [ English version here ] [日本語版はこちら] [ 한국어 ] Free version Pro edition - Analysieren Ihren Golfschwung mit dem iPhone / iPad - Verwalten Golfschwung Film von der karte für jede Person - Schreib Lektion Notiz an der Schaukel Film bezogenen *** High-Speed-Film Einsparung und Trimmen *** [Schwunganalyse] - Film: x1.0, x0.5, x0.2, x0.1 Spiel - Film ein Bild zurück & Forward - Film speichern, um Kamerarolle - Zeichnen von Linien, Kreisen und Boxen auf dem Film - Import iOS Standard-Foto-App: Mehrfachauswahl-Unterstützung - Filmaufnahme mit vorne / hinten Linse - Video trimming - High-Speed-Kamera-Aufnahme 120FPS (iPhone5S/5SE, iPad Air2/Mini4/12.9Pro), 240FPS (iPhone 6/6Plus/6S/6SPlus/, iPad 9.7Pro) - Manuelle / automatische Kamerabelichtungs während der Aufnahme [Karte] - Titel,...
Swing Manager iPhone/iPad [한국어]
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Swing Manager iPhone/iPad [English version here] [ Deutsch ] [ 日本語版 ] Free version Pro edition 스윙 분석을 iPhone / iPad에서 할 수 있습니다. 스윙 동영상 플레이어마다 Karte관리 할 수 있습니다. 연습 노트와 스윙 동영상을 정리할 수 있습니다. ★동영상의 빠른 저장 빠른 트림 [스윙 분석] - 동영상 재생 : 배속 슬로우 (x0.5, x0.2, x0.1) 재생 - 동영상 프레임 작업 - 동영상 저장 : 카메라 롤에 저장 - 동영상에 선, 원, 사각형을 그릴 · 편집 - 표준 응용 프로그램의 사진에서 동영상 이미지 캡처 (복수 선택 가능) - 동영상 촬영 : 후면 렌즈 전면 렌즈 대응 촬영 후 손질 가능 - 동영상 자르기- 하이 스피드 카메라 촬영 120FPS (iPhone5S/5SE, iPad Air2/Mini4/12.9Pro), 240FPS (iPhone 6/6Plus/6S/6SPlus/, iPad 9.7Pro) - 자동 / 수동 노출 보정 [Karte] - 제목, 문장, 여러 동영상 여러 이미지를 한꺼번에 관리 - 여러 Karte에서 학습 주제별로 관리 - Karte 제목 검색, 즐겨 찾기 정렬 정렬 - Karte를 다른 iOS 단말에 전송 [프로필] - 아이콘을 이미지로부터 자동 생성 - 성명, 전화, 이메일, 주소 등록 - 표준 어플리케이션 「연락 장」에서 가져 오기 - 그룹 나누어 여러 그룹 지원 - 그룹 정렬, 즐겨 찾기 정렬 - 이름 검색 - 프로필을 다른 iOS 단말에 전송 [데이터 동기화] - 2 ...
Swing Managerアプリ iPhone/iPad [日本語]
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Swing Managerアプリ iPhone/iPad [English version here] [ Deutsch ] [ 한국어 ] 無料版 プロ版 [特徴] スイング解析をiPhone/iPadでできます。 プレイヤーごとにカルテ管理ができます。 練習ノートとスイング動画をまとめることができます。 ★動画の高速保存、高速トリム [スイング解析] - 動画再生:等倍速、スロー(x0.5, x0.2, x0.1)再生 - 動画コマ送り、コマ戻し - 動画保存:カメラロールに保存 - 動画上に線、円、長方形を描画・編集 - 標準アプリの写真から動画・画像の取り込み(複数選択対応) - 動画撮影:背面レンズ、フロントレンズ対応 - ハイスピードカメラ録画 120FPS (iPhone5S/5SE, iPad Air2/Mini4/12.9Pro), 240FPS (iPhone 6/6Plus/6S/6SPlus/, iPad 9.7Pro) - オート/マニュアル露出補正 (iOS8.x) [カルテ] - タイトル、文章、複数動画、複数画像をまとめて管理 - 複数カルテで、レッスン・テーマごとに管理 - カルテのタイトル検索、お気に入りソート、並べ替え - カルテを他のiOS端末に送受信 [プロフィール] - アイコンを画像から自動生成 - 氏名、電話、メール、住所を登録 - 標準アプリ「連絡帳」からインポート - グループ分け、複数グループ対応 - グループソート、お気に入りソート - 名前検索 - プロフィールを他のiOS端末に送受信 [データ同期] - 2台のiOS端末間でデータ送受信:WifiもしくはBluetooth - 古いデータのみ更新 - プロフィールごと同期 - カルテごと同期...
Swing Manager for iPhone/iPad [English]
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Swing Manager for iPhone/iPad [ Deutsch ] [日本語版はこちら] [ 한국어 ] Free version Pro edition - analyze your golf swing with iPhone/iPad - manage the swing movies by the kartes for each person - write lesson note related to the swing movie ★ High speed movie saving and trimming [Swing analysis] - Movie play: x1.0, x0.5, x0.2, x0.1 play - Movie one frame back & forward - Movie save to camera roll - Draw lines, circles, and boxes on the movie - Import movies/photos from the Photo app: multi selection support - Movie recording with front/back lens - Movie trimming - High speed camera recording 120FPS (iPhone5S/5SE, iPad Air2/Mini4/12.9Pro), 240FPS (iPhone 6/6Plus/6S/6SPlus/, iPad 9.7Pro) - Manual/automatic exposure during recording [Karte (lesson record)] - Title, sentence, multi movies/images - Title search, favorite, sorting, ordering - Sending a karte to another iOS device [Profile] - Profile for player - Name, TEL, mail address, address - ...